Why was I up at 2 am, you might ask?
Well, a friend of mine called me to wail about how he couldn't sleep and all that, obviously forgetting that I live in Germany again now which means the time difference is even worse. But if you know one thing about me, let it be that it can be 2 am, or 3 am, or 4 am, or whenever; if I care about you and you call me up, I will take that call. I will scramble around the house barefoot and in my cupcake pyjamas, with my nerd glasses on and bed hair, waking everyone else up, until I find that fluffing phone of mine that has the habit of disappearing, and let you whine about your life.
I will not do that if I don't care for you deeply because my sleep is sacred. I would look even worse if I didn't sleep so much. I have different ringtones for people I like, and that's that. If I love you, I shall die for you.
Not literally, I wouldn't do that.
Well, anyways, after having to console my friend (whose name I will not tell you for obvious reasons, but you know who you are, and I love you to bits) and actually singing him to sleep, I was awake for some time, so I made myself some chamomile tea and ate a brownie and had a very nice chat with my cat.
I also started actually reading To Kill A Mockingbird (which I managed to write essays about without ever reading more than the first page, I just paid attention in class and basically retold everything my teacher said when writing the exam). It's really confusing, because I got to about page 500 or so and no bird had died yet. I don't think there's even a bird in that book. Nor that it dies. Therefore, it's a very stupid book, if you ask me.
In that hyped up moment of insomniac genius, I had an epiphany, and that is where we arrive at the start again.
So my epiphany was not that my cat doesn't have a particularly nice personality, though I realised that as well.
It wasn't that I have way too many knitted jumpers and cardigans either, but I really do.
(I also realised that I am quite chubby and should really try not to bake as much. But then I wouldn't have any friends.)
Uhm yeah, I'll come to the point now.
It was that I am writing this blog, only for nobody but my friends to read it, and TBH, I don't even think they like it, they probably see it as some weird friendship duty they have to fulfill in exchange for cake and bad jokes, and braided hairdos (well, the last thing isn't really anything positive for the guys among them, but they eat more cake).
So, in order to change that, I ... I don't really know what to do.
I might make it a friendship duty to post a link to this blog EVERYWHERE, and I might get an actual YouTube channel, and I might invent weird dares, but tehre'd be no point in doing that if nobody reads this.
But, most importantly, and this is something I will actually do, from now on, every Sunday I will post a Guide To Being British.
Okay, yes, that was part of my epiphany.
I always get made fun of for my weird British accent, and right now, everyone seems to love Britain.
So that was what I thought.
But seriously, if anyone ready this, post a link on your twitter, instagram, whatever, I don't even care. Just don't tell any people I might now.
I always bitch about them, so that'd be unfortunate.
PS: It's funny how everyone keeps mentioning that this one guy, and I forgot who he was, barely even studied for his GCSEs, as if that was a bad thing or extraordinary. Duh, nobody studies for their GCSEs. And if you do, you start the morning of the exam.
PPS: I did not spellcheck this stuff.
PPS: I did not spellcheck this stuff.